ترجمة الآية 9 من سورة Al-Balad - English - سورة البلد : عدد الآيات 20 - - الصفحة 594 - الجزء 30.
And a tongue and a pair of lips?
And a tongue and two lips?
(90:9) and a tongue and two lips? *9
*9) That is, ""Have We not given him the means of obtaining knowledge and wisdom '?" "Two eyes" dces not imply the eyes of the cow and buffalo, but human eyes, which if used intelligently can help man see aII around himself those signs which lead to the reality and distinguish the right from the wrongs. "The tongue and lips" do not merely imply the instruments of speech but the rational wind behind these instruments which performs the functions of thinking and understanding and then uses them for expressing its ideas, motives and designs.
المصدر : English translation surah Al-Balad Verse 9 Page 262